Process Safety Progress (PSP) Seeks New Editor

After fifteen years of distinguished service, Ron Willey will be stepping down as Editor-in-Chief of Process Safety Progress (PSP). Concurrently, after ten years of distinguished service, Senior Editor John F. Murphy will also be stepping down. Both are effective December 31, 2023. The Chair of the Publications Committee has formed a search committee and begun the search for the next editor-in-chief.

About the publication 

Process Safety Progress is a premier research quarterly in the area of process safety as practiced in industry and government. It is an official publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) that is published by John Wiley & Sons. Presently the editorial team consists of two editors and an editorial board of 16 subject matter experts from industry, government, and academia.

Process Safety Progress covers process safety for engineering professionals. It addresses such topics as incident investigations/case histories, hazardous chemicals management, hazardous leaks prevention, risk assessment, process hazards evaluation, industrial hygiene, fire and explosion analysis, preventive maintenance, vapor cloud dispersion, and regulatory compliance, training, education, and other areas in process safety and loss prevention, including emerging concerns like plant and/or process security. Papers from the annual Global Congress on Process Safety and other AIChE safety conferences are automatically considered for publication, but unsolicited papers – particularly those addressing process safety issues in emerging technologies and industries – are encouraged and evaluated equally.

About the positions

The new editor will build on the progress made under Ron and John’s leadership to increase and broaden the visibility, reach, and impact of the journal. Key attributes of this new editor include: sets high technical and ethical standards, has experience in the field of process safety, has a broad perspective on process safety as practiced internationally, and related fields, and embodies the IDEAL values of AIChE, among other traits listed in the full job description.

If you are interested in applying for this important position, please email Michelle Bryner, Director of Publications and Business Development at