Meet AIChE’s 2020 Election Candidates

In March, AIChE’s Nominating Committee announced the slate of candidates for president-elect, treasurer, and directors for the Institute’s 2020 election. Statements from the candidates appear below.

The president-elect will be elected to a three-year term, serving one year each as president-elect, president, and past president. The treasurer and the directors are elected for three-year terms.

Important dates

Voting by paper and electronic proxy ballot will begin on September 14 and end on October 19. The election results will be announced on November 16, during the Annual Business Meeting.

Learn more about the 2020 Candidates


Andre Moss's picture

Hello, will there be a Zoom meeting with the candidates including Q&A? Or has that already taken place and I missed it? Will there be any virtual seminars/webinars etc as we continue to navigate in this Covid-19 environment? Thanks and continue to be safe!