Georgia Institute of Technology Wins 2018 First Place Chem-E-Car Trophy

Yesterday afternoon, the student team from Georgia Institute of Technology (shown above) clinched the top trophy in the 2018 Annual Student Conference Chem-E-Car Competition® finals, winning with a distance of just 1 cm. The target distance was 25.3 m and the required load was 390 ml of water.

The second place winner was Rutgers University, followed by the teams from City College of New York, Clarkson University and Cooper Union (in a tie for 4th place), and Tsinghua University. Below are photos, followed by a chart listing all final-run results.

Rutgers University, second place for performanceRutgers University, second place for performance

City College of New York, third place for performanceCity College of New York, third place for performance

Clarkson University, fourth place for performance (tied)Clarkson University, fourth place for performance (tied)

Cooper Union, fourth place for competition (tied)Cooper Union, fourth place for competition (tied)

Tsinghua University, fifth place in performanceTsinghua University, fifth place in performance

Poster Competition

Winners in the poster competition were University of British Columbia in first place, followed by the University of Pittsburgh in second place, Louisiana State University in third place, Cal Poly Pomona in fourth place, and Oklahoma State University in fifth place.

University of British Columbia, first place for poster competitionUniversity of British Columbia, first place for poster competition

University of Pittsburgh, second place for poster competitionUniversity of Pittsburgh, second place for poster competition

Louisiana State University, third place in poster competitionLouisiana State University, third place in poster competition

Cal Poly Ponoma, fourth place in poster competitionCal Poly Pomona, fourth place in poster competition

Oklahoma State University, fifth place in poster competitionOklahoma State University, fifth place in poster competition


The award for the best team name went to Oregon State University with their team name, Chem Possible. The SAChE Safety Award went to University of Massachusetts-Amherst. The Golden Tire Award, which is given to the team and car most admired by fellow participants, went to University of Pittsburgh. KAIST was awarded a plaque for the most consistent performance, and the City College of New York won the Spirit of Competition Award. The award for best video went to Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, and the Ohio State University received the award for outstanding sportsmanship.

Oregon State University, best team nameOregon State University, Best Team Name

University of Pittsburgh, Golden Tire AwardUniversity of Pittsburgh, Golden Tire Award

KAIST, most consistentKAIST, Most Consistent

University of Pittsburgh, spirit of competition awardCity College of New York, Spirit of Competition Award

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, best videoInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Best Video

Ohio State University, outstanding sportsmanshipOhio State University, Outstanding Sportsmanship 

2018 Chem-E-Car® Competition Photos

See photos on Flickr.