Career Corner: Boost Your Career through Mentorship | AIChE

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Career Corner: Boost Your Career through Mentorship

Are you successful in your professional career? If so, then it may be time to think about giving back by becoming a mentor. As a mentor to a less-experienced professional, you can make a difference in that person’s career by offering guidance and advice from a real-world perspective. But did you know you can benefit as well? For many successful professionals, mentoring is not only a way to pass along their wisdom, it also helps them continue to enhance their own professional capabilities.

For the past several years, I have been mentoring a young professional. We have strategized her approach to upcoming projects and talked through a difficult personal situation she was experiencing. We have discussed what is appropriate to wear in professional settings and how to interact with senior executives. In turn, she taught me about video production and how to use video to market a product or service effectively. I am energized by our meetings and enjoy watching her become more confident and successful.

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