Young Leader Award Recipient Presentation--Leadership and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing | AIChE

Young Leader Award Recipient Presentation--Leadership and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 20, 2021


20 minutes

Skill Level




As the active substances and modalities for advanced therapies have become more structurally complex and R&D timelines continue to be compressed, the chemistry and technologies necessary to provide safe, robust and economical access to these molecules needs to keep pace. Enabling technologies such as continuous processing, automation and predictive modeling through first-principles, as well as machine learning can expedite process development, scale-up and technology transfer while ensuring enhanced process efficiency and delivering quality medicines to patients more effectively. The importance of strong leadership and novel concepts in pharmaceutical industry has become even more evident in recent Covid-19 pandemic crisis, different organizations are actively thinking of implementing these paradigms to their benefit. This presentation will share some of the leadership experiences and novel technologies that can be leveraged to accelerate process development and manufacturing and discuss the challenges and opportunities to position for a sustainable future.


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