Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Wnt-10b on Bone Metabolism | AIChE

Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Wnt-10b on Bone Metabolism


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 15, 2022


17 minutes

Skill Level




Bone health is determined by factors including bone metabolism or remodeling. Wnt-10b alters osteoblastogenesis through pre-osteoblast proliferation and differentiation and osteoblast apoptosis rate, which collectively lead to the increase of bone density. To model this, we adapted a previously published model of bone remodeling. The resulting model for the bone compartment includes differential equations for active osteoclasts, pre-osteoblasts, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and the amount of bone present at the remodeling site. Our alterations to the original model consist of extending it past a single remodeling cycle and implementing a direct relationship to Wnt-10b. Four new parameters were estimated and validated using normalized data from mice. The model connects Wnt-10b to bone metabolism and predicts the change in trabecular bone volume caused by a change in Wnt-10b input. We find that this model predicts the expected increase in pre-osteoblasts and osteoblasts while also pointing to a decrease in osteoclasts when Wnt-10b is increased.


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