Designing Sustainable Processes | AIChE

Designing Sustainable Processes

sus•tain•able adjective \sə-ˈstā-nə-bəl\
: able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed
: involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources
: able to last or continue for a long time
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

As the world’s population rises and new economies emerge, society requires novel solutions to meet its most basic needs, including energy, water, housing, food, health, and transportation. However, limited natural resources entail their efficient use while simultaneously enhancing the quality of life of current and future generations. Consequently, the need for sustainable process design and alternative reaction routes to reduce industry’s impact on the environment has gained vital importance. This session will cover topics on designing sustainable processes for energy efficient chemical processing. Both, experimental and modeling, submissions are encouraged.



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